Conflict Minerals Policy


There is a growing awareness of violence and violation of human rights in some ores mining industry in an area described as the “Conflict Region”, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighbouring countries. As a result, the Reform Dodd-Frank Wall Street and Protection Act Consumer 2010 instructed the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States (“SEC”) to adopt rules to implement disclosure requirements related to these “minerals conflict”.

“Conflict minerals” refer to tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (together known as “3TG”), which are derived from cassiterite, wolframite and coulumbite-tantalite, regardless of the place of origin, processing or sales



O Segredo do Mar, LDA supports the goals and objectives of the North American legislation on the supply of conflict minerals, namely law Dodd-Frank. Our processes and efforts are in accordance with the relevant parts of internationally recognized research infrastructure by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The OSDM is completely against the use of minerals conflict of the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) and does not use raw materials containing mineral conflict, and when acquired raw materials that can have 3GT mineral we make sure contain not originating from Conflict region.
To ensure compliance with the Dodd-Frank Act, we ask our suppliers to do an investigation of their supply chains and to report the situation. All our suppliers are in compliance with our policy.
The OSDM supports the goal of ending the violence, with human rights violations and the devastation in the conflict zone. We undertake to comply with any applicable requirements of the “Conflict Mining Rule.” So, we did not consider partnering with suppliers that do not comply or accept this Policy.